Since my brother monopolized the computer tonight, I took the opportunity to catch up on the Japanese Drama I start watching a few weeks back, Last Friends. This is easily one of the BEST series' I've had the luck to catch. I love the serious tone which doesn't seem to appear in a lot of the drama's I watch, though that's not to say there aren't any serious shows, just I generally watch comedies etc...

I'm very, very impressed with the acting from the entire cast in dealing with the various subject matter apparent in the series, such as domestic violence, gender issues etc... I'm completely blown away by Ueno Juri's performance as Ruka. She was the main element that drew me to this series as, having seen her in Swing Girls and the the absolutely FANTASTIC Nodame Cantabile I was always gonna be interested in what else she'd star in. I will say however, that I was shocked at first seeing as the two performances listed above were comedy's, and to see her perform so well in such a different role is amazing. I think in the years to come she can surely become one of Japan's top actresses, if she isn't already.
I'm also really happy to see another drama starring Eita. He's a great actor, able to perform just as well in both comedy and dramatic rolls, the one sticking with me the most bing Unfair. It's hard to describe just how good this guy is, and he brings a real element of vulnerability to Takeru, you really feel for the character. Alongside Eita however, I also need to give a mention for Nishikido Ryo, who gives another solid performance yet again. It must be a daunting task for a member of a popular boyband to portray such a sinister, violent character. I will say however that he needs to diversify his acting/roles as, seeing him in 1 Litre of Tears and Attention Please aside from Last Friends, he never seems to play any "happy" characters, but that's only a minor complaint about such a solid actor.
I haven't given details on the plot as there are other places that can give a much better synopsis than I ever could. I'm planning to go and watch episode 7 as soon as I finish this entry, then I have to wait for Kioku to sub the next episode before I can continue (though I know there are soft subs out there, I prefer to keep to hardsubs wherever possible).